Friday, February 28, 2020

Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Comparison - Essay Example However different the conditions are, they also share a few similarities. The similarities and differences come out only well after thorough analysis of the two conditions. A decision by a first year college student to either reside in campus or off-campus ends up having total transformation of his or her life (Morris, 2008, 77). It is inevitable that staying in campus hostel will influence the life of a college student and staying at home has its pros and cons. Living in campus hostels exerts a pleasant experience on one student and an awful ordeal for another. Living in the dormitory is a necessity for some people. The forms of advantages and benefits compared for the two living conditions relate to closeness in terms of accessing classes and campus, cost advantages, availability of affordable and nutritious food, additional benefits of education to the student, as well as available opportunities for student to involve in such as entertainment and co-curricular activities. Living off-campus means that a student will commute to campus because he or she lives in an apartment, a fraternity, or a sorority. Living off-campus lacks the advantage of proximity to campus and classes. It would require some of the student who do not live in campus hostels to travel long tiring distances every morning to get to class and have to wake up early enough to catch up with early classes and in some cases avoid traffic jams on the way to college. Those who already live in college hostels do not have these problems. The situation presents a problem to students especially in times of winter. During this season students do not like waking up therefore, skiving classes becomes a common occurrence. Beds become far more inviting during winter compared to the journey to class. The cost of living outside for instance, in an apartment can be very high. In some regions

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Application of Organizational Behavior Concepts Research Paper

Application of Organizational Behavior Concepts - Research Paper Example Job enrichment concept refers to the variant ways that an organization applies to enhance its productivity by increasing employee’s job motivation, self-worth, and satisfaction. Regardless of the scope, operations, size, type, and ownership, of an organization, the adoption of the job enrichment concept fosters employee production and worker motivation. However, many organizations do not apply job enrichment concept in their management and hence the employees are constantly dissatisfied thus leading to employee turnover. Indeed, very few organizations have the ability to attract and retain trained and qualified employees. This leads to significant monetary loses and affects employee morale, customer relationships, the effectiveness of other employees, and leads to job injuries and theft. In fact, high employee turnover lowers the public trust and the goodwill of an organization. Therefore, it is the prerogative of any human resource manager to reduce employee turnover in a ref erence organization for purposes of reducing accrued losses and low productivity. As such, the Human resource is responsible for compensation and benefits, and advanced opportunities, job satisfaction, and retention of a highly effective workforce.   In conclusion, the paper will propose possible solutions to the issues leading to a higher employee turnover at Healthcare Inc. Identifying the Causes of High Turnover at Healthcare Inc In ascertaining the causes of high employee turnover at Healthcare Inc., one should know that if an organization has lost more than 20% of the staff within five years, then that qualifies to be high turnover. One should then observe on where improvements are necessary for the workforce, and conduct interviews on the employee satisfaction. One should consider whether the organization offers a desirable work environment, whether there is appropriate assigning and performance of tasks, whether there is an effective way of communication, whether employees support one another, and whether there are appropriate recruitment and training of employees. Motivational issues, recruitment and employee selection issues, and leadership issues dominate the list of causes of high turnover at Healthcare Inc. (Capko, 2001). Recruitment, Employee Selection Issues and Job Enrichment Concept The employee turnover has a direct correlation with the recruitment and employee selection issues. Recruitment refers to an affirmative process where many candidates apply for the same job while selection involves the discarding of the unqualified candidates (Smith and Lister, 2008). Hence, recruitment precedes selection. The employee selection process involves the hiring of qualified workers for the right job (Collins, 2007). In doing this, the management links the organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of potential workers. This leads to the quality performance of the employees and low employee turnover. However, where selection happens i n a fraudulent manner, employee turnover is inevitable.